Frequently asked questions

What is acupuncture


Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing. The earliest acupuncture books were written 4.500 years ago, and today, world wide there are 0ver 3 million practitioners. Acupuncture is good for a wide variety of conditions and has the power to stimulate our own healing responses.



Acupuncture begins with a diagnosis of the individuals energy imbalance. The energy of the body mind and spirit is distributed through 12 main energy pathways, meridians. Each pathway is associated with an organ. Chronic over or under-activity of the pathways will cause the organ to work less effectively and disease will result.

How well an energy pathway is functioning is revealed in many ways, for example facial color, odor, sound in the voice, emotional state, taste preferences and the distribution of hot and cold in the body.

Each organ also has a pulse associated with it which informs the practitioner about the energy of that organ. These pulses are located on the radial artery on the wrist.

These signs form the basis of diagnosis.

The purpose of the diagnosis is to establish which pathways require adjustment for a specific condition to improve and which require adjustment for your overall energy and vitality to improve.



Treatment is the process of re-establishing the energy balance. This is done in several ways. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine stainless-steel needles into acupuncture points, either stimulating or sedating the energy of a specific pathway.

The points can also be activated with the application of warmth: moxibustion, or massage: acupressure.


Chinese herbs and Chinese medical diet are a great way to provide long term support and nourishment. NLP, Neurolinguistic programming, qigong and meditation are utilized to change habits and generate neurology appropriate to health.

These methods are often used in combination. As the balance improves, health improves.




Many people come to acupuncture for help with a specific symptom or condition. For example, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, circulatory problems, depression, facial paralysis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, indeterminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, migraines, rheumatism, sciatica, skin conditions or ulcers. Extensive practice and Chinese research have shown the effectiveness of acupuncture in helping these and many other conditions. The effect of good acupuncture however has to do with more than simply cure the symptom. Acupuncture directed at restoring the overall energy balance will deal with the condition and also help the patient feel better in a general way. Hence the frequent comment” I am feeling better in myself” which refers to such things as increased energy and vitality, greater enjoyment of life, greater confidence, better sleep or more normal appetite.

This approach where the whole person as well as the symptom is taken into consideration is referred to as 5 element constitutional acupuncture. It is contrasted with the symptomatic approach where no heed is paid to the overall energy balance.

Diagnosing and treating the person rather than the disease is particularly appropriate in two cases. There are some people who feel quite unwell in themselves but do not have a sufficiently serious physical complaint to present themselves as “sick”. 5 element Acupuncture can diagnose the imbalance and restore well being without the person having a named condition.

Many patients also come to an acupuncturist for preventative treatment. An acupuncturist can often detect and treat an energy imbalance before the patient is aware of any symptoms. The aim is to maintain good health and well being.



What happens when i come for treatment?


For your initial visit I allow enough time to gather information on 1) your symptom(s), the history and treatment to date, and how they relate to your lifestyle 2) your medical and family history,3) your overall functioning, how you sleep, whether your digestion is good, and 4) your physical condition, for example distribution of body heat or the condition of your skin.

Generally, you will come weekly to begin with, and then, as you improve, less frequently.

The speed of improvement varies more according to the person rather than the label of the complaint. some people are much improved after the first visit. Others require more extensive treatment.


Does it hurt?


Some people may like to try acupuncture but may not because they assume it will be painful. Acupuncture needles are solid and much finer than those used for injections. In most cases only a slight prick is felt when the needle goes through the skin. When the needle reaches the acupuncture point there is another sensation often described as a dull ache. This sensation is generally acceptable and only lasts one or two seconds.


What about my doctor?

If you have been seeing your doctor you may want to tell her you are coming for acupuncture. For example, if you are on medication that can be reduced or eliminated, your doctor may need to be involved in any change of medication.