Why holistic?

5 element acupuncture is a very holistic model of health. It focuses on how things work, not only on diseases. The goal of treatment is to solve the deeper cause of a problem-

The holistic approach to life: The global events of the last years including the pandemic, climate change, digitalization, war, ecocide, challenge humanity as a whole. We have a world crisis: economic, social, and political. The Internet makes world news, education, and communication possible. Humanity is more connected than ever before. There is collective immunity as well as collective trauma. We are collectively healing planet Earth. That brings us to a place of responsibility.

Like it is said in the movie The 2 Popes: If nobody is responsible, then everybody is responsible.

The more holistic my approach the less my clients need me. That is because they learn how to solve the root of a problem by changing their way of living and thinking. The treatment removes obstacles and lights up blind spots.

The holistic approach to symptoms

Although approaching symptoms holistically is a paradox, it is perfectly valuable. For example, if diet or environmental pollution is the cause of disease, you need to change your diet or your environment to solve the problem. That will work. there are much deeper causes as to why a person does not have a choice in what they eat or where they live and work. They might not feel valued or appreciated. Or they might lack the strength to change. By addressing these deeper issues you don’t only solve problems. You transform lives!


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