elephant, chained, boy

Learning how to learn how to learn

Learning is a copy-paste adoption of an external given.
Learning how to learn is making sense, reflecting, and processing information. Learning how to learn how to learn is being in a unified field, giving, and receiving by transmission. That includes all realms of being

With 5 planets in Virgo, I love to learn. Virgin nature is the teacher and the healer.  So the trees and the sea were my first teachers.                      I loved to climb and find my seat on the 2 huge fig trees in our garden and be the tree. Or melt into the waves of the sea where they crash.  My parents left me alone, in the good and bad sense. They too transmitted their love for nature.  I am grateful for all these conglomerations that made me what I am.

Thessaloniki, my home town was a crossing port and station on the journey to the East. We were a collective gap and a collective bridge between the war generation and the sex and drugs and rock’n roll English and American culture. As soon as I could I joined the magic bus to India. I had a calling to discover the earth before uniformity. In those 6 months of travel, I saw human beings in harmony with nature.                                        Coming back to Thessaloniki, I  immersed myself in the study of spiritual traditions.                                                                                                  I kept a direct connection and dialogue with the universe, that being the nature I knew as a child.                                                                                            I found the I Ching, the Taoist book of changes.  I was reading it from beginning to end. The I Ching shows us the holographic nature of life, the interconnectedness of all there is. How relationships between polarities form universal unity and perfection.                                                There was another Taoist classic available in the city bookshop: The Secret of the Golden Flower. With that, I started to meditate.                      I studied the Bardo Todol: the Tibetan book of the Passage of Death, the books of Carlos Castaneda, and the tradition of the Yaqui Indians.        I was part of a culture of travel, artistic expression, and discovery. I traveled around Europe and took the opportunity my parents were offering me, to go wherever I liked, and study whatever I liked. They had fought hard to win the freedom they gave me.

I chose England because I knew the language and loved the music and the culture. That is where i was summoned by acupuncture.                My teacher J.R. Worsley had traveled to the Orient, studied with Taoist teachers, and founded the Leamington College of 5 Element Acupuncture.  His words: “You have to love your patients.”     

John and Angela Hicks were my clinical teachers in the 5-element school. They led the integration of 5 elements with TCM that became the Reading College https://citcm.com/.   I was lucky to study with them for many years, starting with diagnostic skills courses in 1984 and completing the TCM theory and clinical skills course in 1995. NLP, KI aikido, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Feng Shui were waves coming in the shore of integration. it was raining self-development skills: Cultivating strength, rapport building, reframing, planning, and using language consciously. World-class teachers were in London. I studied ki aikido with David Currey, Qi Gong with R. Tindell, and Feng Shui with William Spear.                I studied Shen Dao acupressure and massage and started using my hands more. I was working at the Waterloo acupuncture center (1984-1990)  With more than twenty 5 element practitioners from different countries, it was bubbling with inspiration and discovery. I still miss it.

I studied  Geomancy at Feng Shui Network International from 1993-98. I was teaching Feng Shui in Astroon in Athens. That led me back to my until then obscured Hellenic lineage. The ancient Asclepeia were the geomantic centers of Hellas. I studied Hellenic geomancy with 2 wonderful teachers, Altani and Pitsouli. My relationship with the sacred sites of Hellas became stronger. I worked with acupuncture in Eftalou yoga, in Lesvos for a few years. I started a dialogue with Mother Earth in the Springs of Eftalou. That is where I received the vision of a free earth, of giving the planet back to her universal home, back to the solar system. Living with the seasons started happening to me then. A way of being in the movement of natural spirit, true nature.  I made my summer residence in a sacred ancient place in Eressos, Lesvos.

At that time I was living in Holland (2000 to 2020) I studied Chinese herbs and medical diet with Yifan Yang, at Zheng Shu University in Amsterdam (2003-2006).  I studied Western medicine in 2003 and 2015. That inspired me to study functional medicine and integrate the holistic approach in all systems of medicine. I found a wonderful teacher, Yair Maimon, who does exactly that, integrating Western oncology with oriental medicine.  I studied trauma healing, spirit acupuncture, and holistic diagnosis: seeing the patient’s soul, qualities, and journey. 

From 2003 til now I have practiced the Diamond approach with AH. Almaas. Practicing presence, meditation, inquiry: the art of not knowing.              That is my orientation in life and leads me the collective healing movement.  Since 2020 I have been studying with Thomas Hubl in spiritual and collective healing.  As the collective eye and heart opens, collective action becomes possible. As Gabor Mate puts it  in his book: the Myth of Normality: Trauma is not what happened, it is the lack of support and connection that made what happened or did not happen, overwhelming.

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